Monumental Installations at CVC Project Space


CVC Project space features a monumental installation by Guerra de la Paz, the Miami based artist team Alain Guerra and Neraldo de la Paz.

The large scale, vibrantly colored sculptures in the exhibition are made from materials that are part of our everyday lives – mass market apparel – to which the artists give new life and meaning.

The interactive exhibition invites visitors to walk through an installation of larger than life figures that come together to revel in our multicultural community, and to figuratively find gold under a huge multicolored rainbow made from recycled clothing. “Follow the Leader” is a spectacular new work that snakes through the gallery beckoning viewer participation. It is comprised of over 100 headless life sized figures and comments on the culture of trends and the repeated behavior of blindly jumping on the bandwagon. The monochromatic vortex of multi textured “Asencion” is an ominous foil and counterpoint to the vibrant hues that surround it. Its subtle gradations from deep velvet black to shimmering white remind us that we can approach what we see and do from widely different viewpoints.

Alain Guerra and Neraldo de la Paz’ installation challenges us to use our senses and imagination to find common ground both in the surprising and wonderful works on display, and in the diversity of every day life.