Ars Feminae Perfomance and Panel Discussion
Saturday June 17, 5:00-6:00 pm

Eight Female Artists * TwoInterdisciplinary Performance Premiers
Join us this Saturday for an immersive story telling experience melding sound, video, dance, and visual art. Premiers ofElements of the Womb and Woman, A Hash and A Tag, explore female identity, nature, and our planet’s history and future. With original choreography, costumes, stage and prop design the performances will incorporate experimental sound, projection mapping and stop-motion video.
A panel discussion with the artists, audience and moderators Charo Oquet, Ana Mendez, and Marte Siebenhar will follow the performances.
The Artitsts:
Roxana Barba, Choreographer and Dancer
Sophia Cabral, Architect
Carol Curry, Choreographer and Dancer
Deming Harriman, Visual Artist
Melissa Iverson, Sound Artist and Composer
Ana Moreno, Architect
Sofia del Rivero, Visual Artist
Enma Saiz, Visual Artist